Digital Learning

At ICS London, we prepare our students for the future by embracing an exciting array of digital technologies and experiences. Technology, the internet and research from neuroscience have changed the way in which students learn, gather information, interact with data and each other and how they think.

As a consequence, it is our responsibility to ensure that we are constantly reviewing our strategies, teaching and environment so that we can effectively prepare our students for life beyond school.

A Connected School

The whole school works through digital platforms including Google Classroom, ManageBac and Toddle. These platforms are designed for student, teacher and parent access which helps keep everyone in our community informed.

As a result, all students can access their school work and feedback on any device, wherever they are. Asides from improving efficiency and organisation, it gives them the important experience of working in a digital environment which is more akin to what they will face at university and in the workplace once they leave ICS London.

As part of this approach, all primary school students will be given a 1:1 Apple iPad to use at school. Secondary school students are provided with a Microsoft Surface Pro device that they can use at school and outside of school to support their studies.

Our Cloud-based platforms and resources, provide teacher-curated content, accessible to students 24/7, including:

Student doing film edition
  • Course outlines (MYP and DP)
  • Homework and links to handouts, multimedia, audio resources etc
  • Assessed work
  • Grades as they develop by criteria
  • Extension work
  • Digital textbooks via Kognity (Diploma)
  • Past examination papers and mark schemes (MYP and DP)
  • Tests that can be taken and automatically marked
  • Portfolios of work (PYP, MYP and DP)
  • Online library resources including Questia which consists of 90,000 + books and millions of quality and curated academic resources (DP) and Encyclopaedia Britannica which offers articles and multimedia content on a vast array of topics, with content aimed at all ages and English abilities (MYP and DP).
  • Online Diploma courses

Student work is saved in the Cloud, which means a piece of work can be picked back up easily from home. It also makes sharing files and folders simple, so groups of students can collaborate and work remotely.


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