IB Middle Years Programme (MYP & IGCSEs)
Discover Middle Years at ICS London
The MYP for students aged 11 to 14 is a three-year framework that provides excellent preparation for the iGCSE programme, available from age 14, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), available from age 16.
One of the best ways to get to know us and learn more about our MYP is to visit.
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We can’t wait for you to discover the unique Middle Years experience at ICS London!
The Middle Years Programme (MYP)
Broad and balanced in its approach, the programme features eight subject groups. Students of all interests and academic abilities can benefit from the highly flexible MYP curriculum that promotes the fundamental concepts of intercultural understanding, communication and holistic learning.
Students in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 on the MYP receive a personalised programme of education tailored to their own interests, talents and requirements. Small class sizes allow teachers and students to track progress and ensure everyone is challenged at an appropriate level.
MYP subjects include:
- English Language and Literature
- Mathematics
- Chemistry, plus either Biology or Physics
- Humanities, Service as Action and Personal Project
- Visual Art, Design Technology and Music
- Modern Foreign Language (French, Mandarin, Spanish, EAL)
- FLOW & Personal Development
- PE (Physical Education)
The iGCSE programme in Years 10 and 11
Students in Year 10 and Year 11 follow the iGCSE programme. This programme is personalised to their own interests, talents and requirements. Students sit formal iGCSEs at the end of Year 11. iGCSEs help to improve performance by developing skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving. This closely aligns to the skills students develop during their first three years studying the MYP.
Specific features of the iGCSEs include:
Encourages learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning
Develops learners’ skills in creative thinking, enquiry and problem solving
Provides learners with excellent preparation for the next stage in their education
The core curriculum is extended to suit our learners and introduce cross-curricular perspectives.
Clearly defined learning outcomes and content
IGCSE is compatible with other curricula and is internationally relevant and sensitive to different needs and cultures
Current iGCSE subjects include:
- English B or English as a Second Language
- Mathematics or Further Pure Mathematics
- Science Double Award (Chemistry, Biology and Physics)
- Global Citizenship or Business
- Art & Design, Music or Drama
- Modern Foreign Language (French, Mandarin or Spanish)
- PE (Physical Education)
Our students are learning and growing in a world where technological, societal and environmental change are paving the way for life in the 20230s and beyond. At ICS London, we feel strongly that we need to think carefully about this unique set of evolving circumstances.
FLOW lessons take place daily for Year 7-Year 10. Students are mixed into six different groups across the year groups. Students' complete courses in the following: Wellbeing, Coding, Sustainability, Global Citizenship, Social Justice, Entrepreneurship. Courses are designed to stimulate discussion around these topics. Music Instrumental lessons will also take place during FLOW lessons and students may choose to learn an additional language during FLOW later in the school year.
“The teachers really love what they do at the school. They love teaching, they love children, and they love preparing the children for the future.”
- ICS London Parent
Homework Policy
Home learning is designed to be purposeful and is connected to units of study. It may be
short-term or project-based and provides a good opportunity for parents to engage with their
child’s learning. It may be an explicit task, or review or extension of classroom-based
MYP and the IB Learner Profile
The MYP builds on the competencies gained in the PYP stafe and prepares students for the IB Diploma. It relies on connecting classroom practices and content to the world outside by emphasising teaching and learning through global contexts, and by assisting students to play out the full learner profile.
Why choose ICS London:
Personalised Learning
Students benefit from small class sizes
Dedicated Teachers
Experienced staff tailor the learning experience
Holistic Experience
Learning in and outside the classroom