This term, students at ICS London have embarked on an inspiring journey of artistic collaboration, resulting in a large painting that pays tribute to influential women from around the globe. The project, spearheaded by the school's Art Club, culminated in a striking piece that resembles a Time magazine cover, celebrating the achievements and impact of these remarkable figures.
The much-anticipated Primary Sports Day of this year has come to a triumphant close, leaving behind a trail of exhilarating memories and showcasing the athletic prowess of our young students. This annual event, held at Paddington Recreation Ground's cricket pitch, lasted the entire day and featured a diverse array of sporting activities, ensuring every student had the opportunity to participate and shine.
The Year 13 graduation at the Frontline Club was a memorable and joyous event, marking the culmination of the students' hard work and dedication. As they move forward into new chapters of their lives, the experiences and lessons from this night will undoubtedly remain with them, serving as a source of inspiration.
Globeducate and ICS London are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Arts Competition, a unique opportunity for our students to showcase their artistic talents and explore their creativity. This year, we invite students to dive deep into the theme of “Marine”, exploring the wonders of the ocean through various artistic mediums.
We are thrilled to present our Primary Art Exhibition in a new and innovative digital format this year! This virtual gallery walk offers a unique opportunity for parents, family members, and friends to explore the incredible creativity and talent of our students from the comfort of their own homes.
Welcome to the world of IGCSE and IBDP education, where students face unique challenges, including the stress of exams. Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, here are some valuable insights and strategies to help manage exam stress effectively.
We are thrilled to announce that several of our students have had their creative writing selected for publication in the Young Writers anthologies of student writing from around the UK.
Since the implementation of the Yondr pouch system at ICS London, both our teachers and students have noticed a positive transformation in the school's atmosphere. Classroom dynamics have shifted, with a renewed focus on collaboration, participation, and active learning. Our proactive approach in aligning with the updated legislation reflects its commitment to creating an optimal learning environment for all of our students.
Our students participated in a 5km run at Victoria Dock Parkrun, showcasing not just their athletic abilities but also their outstanding behavior.